Engineering Permits

Location & Hours: 

Public Works (641 S 10th St)

Monday - Friday

7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


We issue permits for various activities: structures on sidewalks or streets (encroachments), driveway entrances (crossovers), digging in streets or sidewalks (excavations), and construction orders for sidewalks, curbs, and driveways (work orders), and ensure new curbs will be placed accurately (warrant of survey). Additionally, we manage permits for tree-related work such as planting, pruning, and removal of Shade Trees.

List of Permits, Applications, and Petitions

Crane Policy
Crossover Application
Curbing and Sidewalk Application
Encroachment Application
Hamilton Street Permit
Sidewalk Cafe Application
Small Cell Antennae Permit
Street Vacation Petition
Utility Permit Requirements
Engineering Fees
Stormwater System Connection Permit Application


Contact Information
Meghan Wells
Office Manager
Adam Fisher
Public Utility Permits Manager