
The Historical Architectural Review Board (HARB) is tasked with overseeing alterations in the Old Fairgrounds, Old Allentown, and West Park Historic Districts. Their goal is to preserve historical integrity by examining proposed building changes within Historic Districts and demolitions within the Historic Building Demolition Control Overlay. This review is completed through Certificate of Appropriateness Applications. All HARB recommendations go to City Council for final approval.

The board is comprised of seven (7) members, appointed by City Council, and includes a registered architect, real estate broker, and building inspector, with certain members residing or owning property in the historic district. The Board meets monthly: Allentown - HARB - Historical Architectural Review Board (legistar.com)

It's essential to note that HARB approval focuses solely on historic and architectural aspects and doesn't replace other required permits from City agencies. It is the responsibility of the property owner to obtain all permits required for their proposed project.

Property owners planning exterior alterations are required to complete a Certificate of Appropriateness Application. Information concerning the Certificate of Appropriateness review process can be found here: Historic Reviews (allentownpa.gov). Property owners should contact the Planning Office with questions.


Review the Historic Design Guidelines

Appointed Members

Contact Information
AJ Jordan
Term Expires 5/5/2024
Alex Encelewski
Term Expires 1/7/2025
David Huber
Term Expires 1/3/2027
Phillip Hart
Term Expires 1/3/2027
Patty Scheirer
Term Expires 12/18/2027
Rob Hammond
Term Expires 12/18/2027
Alternate: Heidi Westerman
Term Expires 12/18/2027
Alternate: Lauren Nyemscek
Term Expires 12/18/2027
HARB Member #10
HARB Member #11


Chapter 328 § 238-8 Historical Architecture Review Board


No events are currently scheduled.


Allentown Historic District Map