
The board shall have the exclusive jurisdiction to hear and render final adjudication in matters authorized by the City of Allentown Codified Disruptive Conduct Ordinance as specified therein. The Disruptive Conduct Board of Appeals has the following functions:

    1. To hear and determine the legitimacy of a Disruptive Conduct Report.
    2. To modify any notice of violation or order.
    3. To grant reasonable extension for compliance.

Any person aggrieved by any decision of a Police or Public Officer regarding a Disruptive Conduct Report or the revocation of a rental license, may appeal to the Disruptive Conduct Board of Appeals. Such appeal must be filed, in writing with a $100 fee, within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the Disruptive Conduct Report or Notice of Violation.

Appointed Members

Contact Information
Candida Affa
Term Expires 1/24/2026
Chief Charles Roca
Term Expires 9/4/2027
Janet Keshl
Term Expires 6/1/2024
Mark Shahda
Term Expires 9/4/2027
Vicky Kistler
Term Expires 9/4/2027


Article XVIII § 455-145 - Disruptive Conduct Board of Appeals


No events are currently scheduled.


Disruptive Conduct Reporting