
The Allentown City Planning Commission plays a vital role in shaping our city's future. They create the city's long-term plan and work on various projects to make this plan a reality. They're in charge of zoning rules, land development plans, and other tasks related to the city's growth. The Mayor appoints members with advice from Council. They gather on the second Tuesday of each month at 12:15 p.m. in City Hall. There are 7 members serving 3-year terms.

Appointed Members

Contact Information
Craig Beavers
Term Expires 6/27/2028
Christian Brown
Term Expires 6/3/2025
Damien Brown
Term Expires 12/1/2022
Jeff Glazier
Term Expires 1/3/2023
Kelli Holzman
Term Expires 1/1/2022
Erich Hornung
Term Expires 12/20/2027
Anthony Toth
Term Expires 1/3/2023


No events are currently scheduled.


Article III - Planning Commission