Join Allentown's free walking program called 'Million Clicks for Million Hearts'! Sign up now and get a free key-tab to start clicking and walking!
Each click represents a walk at one of 10 walking locations around the city. The goal is to reach 1 million clicks by walking!
The more you walk and click-in, the more chances to win monthly prizes!
The 10 click-in stations are located at:
- LifeTrail in Cedar Creek Parkway: Trail across from pavilions. Enter on Honochick Drive.
- Trexler Park: Main trail entrance near pond. Enter on Springhouse Road.
- Andre Reed Park: Near the park sign. Enter on Irving Street
- Hamilton Mile: PPL Center. Hamilton & 7th Streets.
- Lehigh Parkway: Trail near Robin Hood Bridge. Enter through 15th Street.
- Lehigh Parkway: Trail near Covered Bridge.
- West Park: Kiosk near the bandshell.
- Jordan Park: Near trail, across from basketball courts
- Roosevelt Park: South Filmore Street, near the basketball court parking lot
- Lehigh Canal Park: East Walnut Street & South Albert Street - trail near the boathouse
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Walking is free and easy to do. It's good for your heart, strengthens bones and muscles, manages weight, and reduces stress.
Please be sure to check the rules and regulations found here.
Get walking, stay healthy, and win prizes!