Please register in advance by sending an email to or calling (610) 437-7758
The Allentown Fire Department will offer a Daycare Fire Safety Recertification Class for 2025. This class offers a certificate of completion. The class will take place at the Allentown Fire Academy,
1902 Lehigh St, behind the Mack South Fire Station on the following dates:
The classes will begin promptly at 5:00 p.m. Once the class begins, no one will be permitted to enter. Children will not be permitted to attend the class.
To register for one of the following classes call the Fire Prevention Office (610) 437-7758 or email
There are a limited number of seats, once the class is full, we will no longer accept reservation for that date. When you register, you will need to provide your name, the name of the daycare, your phone number and a valid email address. Your certificate of completion for the 2025 Daycare Fire Safety Certification Class will be sent to your email.Training and planning are key for fire safety, we hope you attend for your safety and the safety of those you care for.