The Allentown Emergency Medical Services (EMS) is a public system that uses ambulances staffed with paramedics all day, every day. In 2023, these paramedics responded to a record 18,600 medical emergency calls, a number that goes up each year. We have about 41 full-time and 12 part-time paramedics who are well-trained in advanced emergency medical care using state of the art equipment.
We are the medical component for and support special response teams such as the Allentown Police Emergency Response Team, Allentown Technical Rescue and Hazardous Materials, Lehigh County Special Operations, Pennsylvania Urban Search and Rescue Company 3, Allentown Dive Team, and the Allentown Bomb Squad. We also have 10 IPMBA certified EMS Cyclists and 2 all-terrain EMS Specialty Response Vehicles.

We operate a fleet of 10 advanced life support ambulances, 2 shift supervisor squad vehicles, 1 medical director squad vehicle, 1 education bureau vehicle, and 1 special operations support squad vehicle. Also, we operate 8 EMS Bicycles, an incident support trailer, and 2 EMS carts.

Our EMS team is stationed at three fire stations across the city.
Notice of Privacy Practices: Insurance Payments
If insurance payments are sent to you, you are responsible for forwarding them (endorsed with signature and Payable to Allentown EMS on the back) to our office with a copy of the explanation of benefits (EOB) received. Otherwise, the service will remain unpaid and could result in transfer to a collection agency for follow-up. Please forward payment as soon as possible to avoid any inconvenience.