
CDBG Notice of Funding Availability 2025


We build partnerships with different groups to obtain and disburse funds to our local community partners. We work with local, state, and national levels to support our community. We also help local nonprofits with advice. Plus, we keep an eye on the grants we give to others in the city.


Please note that the Grants Department does not directly provide funds for Homeownership Assistance, Rental Assistance, or Home Repairs. 


The Consolidated Grants Program brings money from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). There are three types of funding:

    • Aims to improve neighborhoods and create opportunities for people with lower incomes. It helps with housing and boosting economic chances in these areas.
    • The city uses these funds to fix up homes and neighborhoods where people with lower or moderate incomes live. They also use the money for job programs and services to help these neighborhoods get better.

Focuses on making more good and affordable homes for people with low incomes. It works by bringing together different levels of government and businesses to create more affordable housing options.

Helps make homeless shelters better, supports running shelters, and provides important services for homeless people. For example, the city funds a program that helps with rent and quickly finds homes for homeless folks.


Each funding source has its own rules on how the money can be used.


How the City Gets and Uses the Money

The city gets this money every year based on certain things like how many people live there and their needs. But to get this money, the city has to make a detailed plan called the "One Year Action Plan."

HUD also needs a bigger plan called the "Consolidated Plan." This plan looks at housing data, checks homes in the city, and gets input from people living there.


Current Projects:

Consolidated Plan Kickoff Presentation (PPT)
Consolidated Plan Kickoff Meeting Recording


Contact Information
Grants Department



Public Notice for Reallocations of Funds (January 30. 2025)
CDBG Notice of Funding Availability (January 1, 2025-December 31, 2025)
US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
North Penn Legal Services
Tenant Information One Pager
Consolidated Plan Kickoff Presentation (PPT)
Building Communities (Presentation)
2024 COA Draft Action Plan